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Holiness Shreemat Sadguru
Bhaktaraj Maharaj

Main events in
His spiritual life
7th July, 1920 at Manasa, Madhya Pradesh, at 7.10 a.m.
The first ‘Vision’ (Darshan)
of His Guru, Shri Anantanand saish: 9th February 1956.
Guru giving the Gurumantra: 15th February 1956.
Shri Guru naming Baba as
'Bhaktaraj': 16th February 1956.
Guru giving up His body: 12th December 1957.
Mahanirvana (giving up of His
body) at Indore, Madhya Pradesh, at 2.45 a.m.: 17th November
Satguru Shri Anantananda Saish had gifted two great disciples to
the world viz. H. H. Baba (H. H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj was fondly addressed
as Baba by His devotees). The former (H. H. Bhuranand baba) became a
sanyasi staying in a small cottage at Mehtakhedi near Badwah in M.P. and
practiced penance for years together on the banks of the river Narmada
serving countless sadhus and sanyasis who visited his cottage. The other
disciple was turned into a Rajyogi for the liberation of the devotees
trapped in the illusions of the worldly life. “It is not the things and
objects that should be abandoned but rather their temptation that should
be given up”, says he.
Even in his early life before meeting the Guru he was
essentially a righteous and pious man with a deep passion for Bhajans
and compassion for the poor and the helpless. Once he had distributed
all the crackers in a shop to the poor children on the road and paid all
the money he had to shop-keeper.
Shri Anantananda Saish had transformed him after keeping him a spiritual
trance continuously for six months when people took him to be a lunatic
and a mad man. His Guru said “he will make the whole world mad-a
prophecy that did come true since he did make the world mad with his
Guru had said that they are not different form the Ramayana and the
Geeta .These Bhajans contain his philosophy, his message to the world
and the depths of his spiritual experiences. These Bhajans have proved
to be the search lights for the spiritual aspirants and a perennial
source of rich fragrance for the devotees.
