P. P. Bhaktaraj Maharaj


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Lord GANESHA gives darshan near Anantanand Saish's Paduka (in Holy tree 'Audambar') at Indore ashram.

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Words of wisdom

Knowledge is obtained by faith and dedication retained by devotion and abandoned by Self-deception.

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GREAT GRAND MASTER - K. Sivsankar, Vishakhapatnam.

I had been informed by my spiritual Brother Ch. Sattibabu, about Sri P.P. Bhaktaraj Maharaj, and also his excellent meeting with our beloved Master E.K., on the banks of the sacred river Narmada, in the last week of December 1978.

It so happened that our Master E.K. left the physical body on 17th of March,1984. The proposal came to my mind, I should see Sai Baba, and I took the assistance of my cousin, Mr. C.V. Ram Chandra and met Sri Baba on 17th November,1985. (The day on which the transit Saturn was exactly in conjunction with that of my birth Sun, according to Sayana Surya Siddhantha of Astrology). It is a special event in my life for ever. I reached Hyderabad and pressurized my cousin, convinced him about the trip to Omkareshwar, though he was not very willing, saying that I may not be much benefited by Baba’s Darshan. We took our tickets in Meenakshi Express and reached Baba’s Ashram at Mortakka only to get thoroughly disappointed that he was not available there. We had Darshan of the Lord at Omkareshwar and took the address of Sri Baba at Indore from the resident of the Mortakka Ashram. We reached Indore, booked in a lodge and the very next day we went to see him at Rambagh (an important junction in Indore). He was not there. We were directed to the Bhakta Vatsalya at Annapurna Road and in the meanwhile my cousin was murmuring about his displeasure and was also too tired of the long journey and I was also slightly unwell. However we reached the Ashram at Annapurna Road and Sri Ramanand Maharaj (Ramji Dada) received us and informed Sri Baba that two young Brahmins have come to see him. Baba very casually asked Sri Ramji Dada came back and tried to give us Dakshina, and my cousin , who is very fluent in Hindi, could explain to Sri Dada that we were not there for Dakshina; but for the Divine Darshan of Sri Baba. I imagined him as a Great Master in Yoga pose, speaking about good spiritual teachings .But to my entire dissatisfaction and expectation Sri Baba was sitting on a simple cot and cutting vegetables without taking bath, speaking very casually .Baba was again trying to give us Dakshina and send us away. With a great difficulty, we could make him understand that we were from Vishakhapatnam, South India and we belonged to the Ashram of Master E.K. by showing him the Photograph of Master E.K. readily available in my pocket. Baba at-once took interest, and started enquiring about Master E.K. and when we conveyed that our Master left the physical body, Baba was really stunned. He told in Hindi about our stay. He wanted us to have Bhojan and shift our luggage from the lodge, to Ashram. In those days, the Ashram was very simple with very small rooms and P.P. Baba himself was staying in a small room, with no proper ceiling. We could not convince ourselves for a longer stay, and hence we mentally did not agree for his proposal .My cousin was in a hurry to go back to Hyderabad and therefore asked me to speak to Sri Baba separately, whether I wished to stay. He told shri Baba in Hindi about my idea and Baba readily agreed, and spoke to me in English exclusively. I told Baba about my sickness and the void I was feeling in my mind about the physical presence of my Master. After listening to me, Baba replied in a split second “I shall give you a MANTRA.

Are you interested to take and chant it?” I said “Yes”. He gave me a Mantra of Lord Krishna, just the way my master gave me and Baba said” understand that your Master E.K. gave this Mantra to you. But I will be with you if you chant it. Do not bother even if you do not chant it. Do not chant it sometimes.” The meeting ended and we took Bhojan but I did not pay much attention to his advise to stay, and returned to Hyderabad, the very next day. But during our conversation, my cousin, in a split second invited Sri Baba for our Gurupuja Celebrations in January 1986, I was not having any idea inviting him to Gurupuja and we had some heated arguments on our return journey. The Mantra given by Sri Baba was ringing in my ears, but my mind was not much convinced. I told my brother Shri Parvathi Kumar. He was not much impressed when he enquired about shri Baba.(I was childish about the Great Grand plan behind my visit ) In the last week of December 1985 there was news from my cousin that Sri Baba was interested to attend our Gurupuja in January 1986, but I did not respond at all. In the November of 1986, bro Sattibabu came to my office and while we were doing the prayer of our Master, I felt the immense presence of Sri Baba and immediately after the prayer, Sattibabu said “today I feel the great presence of Sri Bhaktaraj Maharaj and I feel you are blessed by him.” I was really surprised by his statement, and I realized the mistake by not responding to his call regarding Gurupuja visit. I immediately made letters of invitation to Sri Baba for our Gurupuja, with the consent of Sattibabu and made all the arrangements for his visit for Gurupuja 1987 at Simhachalam Downhill on 11th ,12th and 13th January. 

Baba came via Hyderabad by flight (where my cousin Ram Chandra made all arrangements for HIS stay at Hyderabad) to Vishakhapatnam, with 11 people and ordered 40more people to reach Vishakhapatnam by road in Jeeps and Vans. I was once again surprised. I did not know this program of Baba that He was going to visit with so many people. However all brothers and sisters from Indore, Mhow, Nasik, Dhulia, Bombay, Narayangaon were there. Sri Baba took His first meal in Vishakhapatnam at my brother Kumar’s house who received him very cordially. Baba  came to his house, took the meals and he was shown the living room, the prayer hall, and the library of Master of E.K which is situated on the first floor of my brother Kumar’s house. (Later Baba visited this house many more times and stayed whenever he came to vizag and recited Bhajans) he initiated many people to Guru Mantra at this house. And this house is now called ‘The world Teacher Temple” and a number of Mahatmas keep visiting this Temple, where Master E.K. stayed lived and conducted his great  Grand Work of the Hierarchy for more than seven years. (Baba was one of the foremost Saints who visited and stayed at World Teacher Temple)

Baba recited Bhajan in our Gurupuja and enjoyed the function and the south Indian Bhojan. There was a big rain during that Gurupuja. I introduced Sri E. Ananta Krishna the eldest son of Master E.K. and their family members. Baba blessed all the senior members of our trust with his natural love and affection and invited them all to Indore, and told them the conversation, he had with Master E.K.

Master E.K.: “You have a House at Vishakhapatnam.”

Baba             “Yes. I will visit my home at Vishakhapatnam.”

In the same way, I can refer to the first meeting and conversation of Master E.K. with Sri Baba at Mortakka Ashram, which Baba used to love and narrate a number of times, as He loved Master E.K. profusely. I could see a great sparking Light in the eyes of Sri Baba, whenever to this conversation with Master E.K.

When Master E.K. had entered the Ashram at Mortakka, He saw Baba and tried to touch his feet and Baba was also doing the same before Master could do it. (such is the Love and veneration the Great Masters hold for each other whenever they meet) Master E.K. introduced himself and gave him one copy of our spiritual monthly magazine, “ MY LIGHT’. Baba took it with great veneration, and read one article on ‘Sarada Tilaka Tantra” and “Purusha Sukta” and said “This is the wisdom the present world needs.” Meanwhile, Master E.K. was looking in and around Ashram.   

Baba asked:   “what are you searching?’

Master E.K.  : “Searching”?

Baba said      :  “In it.”

Master E.K. was extremely happy with the answer and concept. Later Baba cooked food and served Master E.K. with his own hands, though he had not taken bath till then. He thought fit to serve the Master first and later think of taking bath.

(Later master E.K. after returning from his visit to Shirdi, Jalgaon and Omkareshwar, told our group members that he had met a Great Grand master on the banks of the sacred river Narmada and our entire group should have his Darshan and blessings. Brother Sattibabu had accompanied master E.K. and he told me specifically about shri Baba.)

Baba while leaving Vishakhapatnam after Gurupuja 1987, told my mother that I would get married that year itself and He promised that he would be present and I would be blessed with a son within a year of marriage, and then he would visit Vishakhapatnam again it happened so and P. P. Baba came to Hyderabad for my marriage on 7th June 1987, with six people by flight, at his own cost from Bombay, and blessed our family. I was blessed with son on 8th April 1988.

Later Baba had visited Vishakhapatnam more than half a dozen times and gave his Presence and Initiation into his Bhajans personally and we have also printed his Bhajans in Telgu with suitable meaning under the direction of our elder brother Shri. Parvathi Kumar.

I can certainly say that I have been benefited by his teachings and Presence, both at Vishakhapatnam and also my long stays at Indore Ashram, and Baba always used to say “Your Masterji has given you all and I have come to teach you Bhatki on his wish. He (Master E.k.) is a great Master, whom I have come across because of sheer grace of my Guru Sri Anantananda Sai. Master E.K. told us about Shri Baba as follows :

There are only three persons present who are in the physical body, who have crossed the concept of money (which normally the so called spiritual gurus can not cross, though they pose that they have) and there will be always three persons on this Earth, according to the Nature’s Law. And Sri Bhaktaraj Maharaj is one among them. I have already shown you the other Master who came to our Gurupuja in 1960s. You have to purposefully make a visit to such Masters and their Ashrams and seek their Blessings, as every Truth seeker has to do, during his pursuit of spiritual path to reach the one master, that is, the “I AM” in all.

This is how I met our beloved Parama Pujya Sri Bhaktaraj Maharaj, who has showered his blessings and love upon me, my family, and our w.t.t. group.

- K. SIVSANKAR, Vishakhapatnam






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